As well as giving ourselves a collective pat on the back here at BNG HQ, especially to Phillip Plato who did the lion's share of the work over the last few weeks on the DMMO and Reg 19 submissions, we wish to thank all our supporters who have helped us in one way or another.
Thanks to everyone involved who helped us:
Once again I am going to shamelessly use this opportunity to say a massive thank you on behalf of all the community to Phillip Plato who for the last few weeks has worked selflessly 24/7 on our campaign. To see just some of Phillip's output on BNGs official Reg 19 Submission response click here. Thanks again to everyone for the continued support. We now just need to wait to see what the Planning Inspector has to say. The BNG Team
Do you walk on any of the informal paths marked in bright green? We want to hear from you. Click picture or here for enlarged map RE: Public Rights of Way Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO) – Lye Green
You will be aware that BNG successfully applied to have the fields at Lye Green listed as an Asset of Community Value. Unfortunately, since that Decision was published, the landowner has now started fencing off some of the access points into the land and stopping people using unadopted footpaths that have been in use for decades. BNG feel it is now necessary to seek a Definitive Map Modification Order to get all the six informal tracks adopted as public footpaths, so these paths stay open for the community’s use. Accordingly, we need your help again in providing the appropriate evidence to the County Council to support the DDMO. There are two different processes depending on whether you have used the paths for:
These forms will need to be accompanied by a signed map of the route(s) that you use. Again, we have prepared all these for you, all you need to do is tell us which paths you walk on and sign the relevant maps that we will provide or you can print off yourself. Contact us (click here) with the following information:
This is a bit involved but we have tried to make things as easy as possible by preparing template forms for anyone, to complete, add, delete, expand upon or modify. Your evidence will help Bucks County Council decide if the informal footpaths will be dedicated as a public right of way which then means the farmer must then take down any recent fences or obstructions. The County Council MUST make a Modification Order (ie: adopt the footpaths) but only if we can demonstrate that the paths are “reasonably alleged to exist” which can only be proved by us getting enough statements to support our application. Let's repeat the success of our campaign to have the land listed as an Asset of Community Value. Please help if you can. Recruit your family and friends. Thank again for your continued support. The BNG Team |
AuthorMembers of the Brown Not Green Campaign Archives
May 2022
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