Brown Not Green Donation Refund Policy
PLEASE NOTE: As funds received via a third party portal such as CrowdJustice or JustGiving will incur fees and are subject to that portal’s own refund policy, all funds received via CrowdJustice or JustGiving will be used before using cash, cheque & bank transfer donations to pay all legal fees.
- If funds are not spent at all, all the money will be returned in full to every donor.
- If funds are only partly used, the residue will be returned pro rata to every donor.
- Accounts will be kept and made available to any donor on request.
PLEASE NOTE: As funds received via a third party portal such as CrowdJustice or JustGiving will incur fees and are subject to that portal’s own refund policy, all funds received via CrowdJustice or JustGiving will be used before using cash, cheque & bank transfer donations to pay all legal fees.
- If CrowdJustice or JustGiving funds are not spent at all, or are only partly used, only individual donations over £1,000 are eligible for refund.
- Such refunds must be requested promptly to BNG once the Local Plan is concluded. BNG will promptly notify CrowdJustice to arrange a pro rata refund (after deduction of CrowdJustice & processing fees circa 7.7% )
- We are sorry but the residue of smaller donations below £1,000 cannot be refunded.
- Any unused balance from such smaller donations will either be transferred by CrowdJustice as a donation to a similar case requiring legal funding or they will be donated to a cause nominated by BNG (NOTE: BNG are seeking to nominate the Chesham Renaissance CIC Masterplan as a suitable recipient )